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In Toretsk, volunteers came under Russian fire

Jun 25, 2024

On Tuesday, June 25, the crew of the Shid SOS Charitable Foundation came under fire from the Russian occupiers while evacuating residents of Toretsk, Donetsk region.


This was reported by RBC-Ukraine with reference to the foundation's Facebook page.

"On June 25, the crew of the Shid SOS Charitable Foundation came under fire from the occupiers during the evacuation of Toretsk residents," the statement said.

As noted, the Russians struck the city at about 9:30 a.m. An evacuation vehicle of the foundation came under fire, the crew of which managed to pick up two people and was on its way to four more residents of the city.

The shock wave smashed the car's glass, and the driver, Vladislav Arseniy, sustained shrapnel wounds. The second crew member, Oleksandr Stasenko, was not injured.

The foundation also reported that, due to the deteriorating security situation in Toretsk, Shid SOS is receiving many requests for evacuation.

"Today three crews worked there, it was planned to provide assistance under 12 applications and evacuate 17 people, two of them were representatives of low-mobility groups. The shelling of the mission by the enemy is another war crime committed by the Russian army," the organization added.

Author - Serhii Kolomiets, 26/06/2024

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