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Night missile strike: the consequences of the attack

Jun 26, 2024

Last night, Russian invaders launched a missile attack on Mykolaiv district. The falling debris of the aerial target caused dry grass outside the settlements to catch fire.

This was reported by RBC-Ukraine with reference to the head of the Mykolaiv Regional Military Administration (RMA) Vitaliy Kim.


The official cited data from district military administrations and the State Emergency Service in Mykolaiv region on the situation in the region due to enemy shelling.

It is noted that, among other things, on the night of June 26, around midnight, Mykolaiv district was subjected to a rocket attack.

"As a result of the falling debris, dry grass caught fire in an open area outside the settlements. The fire was quickly extinguished by firefighters," Kim said.

He added that there were no casualties.

Author - Dmitriy Levchenko, 26/06/2024

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