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Russia uses Kharkiv as a springboard for testing modified ammunition

Jun 25, 2024

Russian troops are constantly testing modified ammunition. The occupiers are using Kharkiv as a foothold for their training.


This was reported by RBC-Ukraine with reference to the Telegram of the head of the Kharkiv Regional Military Administration, Oleh Syniehubov.

"The enemy does not stop but constantly tests modified ammunition, using the city of Kharkiv as a springboard for its training," Syniehubov said.

He noted that the Russian army "is trying to adapt and use all its junk that is in the warehouses against our peaceful civilians."

"We had the first strike on the city of Kharkiv on Sunday, on the territory of a private school. It was a KAB-250. The munition was with wings and a GPS module," said the head of the JFO.

Syniehubov also noted that it is becoming more and more expensive and difficult for the enemy to use missile systems, such as Kalibr, which cost about $10 million.

That is why the Russians began using UMPB 30-D to strike Kharkiv. They cost about $100,000, and after modification, perhaps a little more.

Author - Serhii Kolomiets, 26/06/2024

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