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The EU has decided on candidates for top positions

Jun 25, 2024

In addition to Ursula von der Leyen as head of the European Commission, the leaders of the European Union agreed on two more candidates for the highest positions in the EU.


According to RBC-Ukraine, the German newspaper Suddeutsche Zeitung reports this with reference to the DPA news agency.

According to the publication, Estonian Prime Minister Kaja Kallas may become the new EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, replacing Josep Borrell.

The EU leaders also agreed to nominate former Portuguese Prime Minister Antonio Costa (instead of Charles Michel) for the post of President of the European Council for an initial term of two and a half years. In this position, he would be responsible for preparing EU summits and conducting working sessions.

It is noted that if Costa does his job well, he will be able to get a second term in office.

However, the President of the European Commission and the EU's chief diplomat are appointed for one EU legislative period, i.e., for about five years.

Author - Serhii Kolomiets, 26/06/2024

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