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Biden finds a workaround to extend $5.9 billion in aid to Ukraine

Sep 25, 2024

The administration of US President Joe Biden has found a workaround to expand presidential authority to send $5.9 billion worth of weapons and equipment to Ukraine. These funds may “burn up” after the end of the fiscal year at the end of September.

This was reported by RBC-Ukraine with reference to Politico.


As reported, in April, the US Congress approved a $61 billion aid package for Ukraine. Of these funds, 5.9 billion remained, which could be “burned” as early as October 1, when the US fiscal year ends.

Presidential powers allowed for faster delivery of aid to Ukraine, as weapons were sent from Pentagon warehouses. The allocated funds are used to replace this equipment in US arsenals.

As you know, the Biden administration is working to extend these authorities beyond the fiscal year without congressional approval as previously planned.

“This new workaround, which requires the administration to say that it will use up the remaining aid in the coming months, will allow the Pentagon to continue sending weapons to Kyiv. However, under this method, the United States will not be allowed to introduce new types of equipment that were not included in previous shipments,” the newspaper explains.

Pentagon spokesman Lieutenant Colonel Charlie Dietz said that if done on time, “the deliveries can go beyond the fiscal year without any problems.”

The White House wanted Congress to include the money in a funding plan that allowed the US government to operate after October 1. The White House's new option would keep money available to help Ukraine even without congressional action.

Author - Olena Madiak, 25/09/2024

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