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Ukraine counts on India's help in reaching a peace agreement with RF

Sep 25, 2024

Ukraine has chosen Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi as its chief mediator to help end the war with Russia. On Monday, during a meeting in New York, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy discussed with Modi the possibility of a peace agreement that would ensure an end to hostilities.

This was reported by RBC-Ukraine with reference to Politico.


A senior Ukrainian official, who wished to remain anonymous, confirmed that Kyiv sees India as a reliable partner for a peace agreement. During his summer talks with Kyiv, Modi emphasized that compromises on the part of Ukraine would be necessary, but they should not include the transfer of territories to Russia.

Although Kyiv had previously criticized Modi's hug with Russian dictator Vladimir Putin during a visit to Moscow, Ukraine increasingly sees India as a neutral and promising mediator in its negotiations with the Kremlin.

India remains one of the few global powers capable of negotiating with both Moscow and Kyiv, advocating respect for Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity.

Switzerland and Austria sided with the EU in imposing sanctions on Russia. Relations between Washington and Moscow are in a state of deep freeze. Attempts by countries such as Saudi Arabia to play a peacekeeping role have failed, while China is accused of actively assisting Moscow in the war effort, and Zelenskiy just this month criticized the Brazilian government for “taking Russia's side.”

Ukrainian officials have expressed hope that India will take an active part in the development of a peace formula, as the country can significantly influence the course of events in the world.

Author - Dmitriy Levchenko, 25/09/2024

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