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Poland assures support for Ukraine, but “has its own demands”

Sep 23, 2024

Polish Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski announced that his support for Ukraine is not unconditional.

Source: RMF24, Yevropeiska Pravda.

“We want to maintain bipartisan US support for the alliance with Europe, Ukraine, and the physical presence of US troops in Poland,” said Sikorski, who is on a ten-day visit to the United States.

The head of Polish diplomacy visited Washington. In the coming days, he will be in New York for a session of the UN General Assembly, and later will fly to Detroit, Michigan, where he will meet with the management and employees of the General Dynamics Land Systems plant, which is the executor of Polish arms orders (for Abrams tanks - ed.). During his stay in Michigan, he is also scheduled to meet with the local Polish community and members of Congress from the state.

Sikorsky emphasized that conversations about the alliance and relations are very important.

“It is an important alliance for us, it is an alliance that makes us feel safer,” he said.

Asked whether negotiations with Ukraine are becoming more difficult (in recent days, the media have reported a dispute between Sikorsky and Zelensky - ed: “Ukraine is under pressure. It is doing well at sea, a little worse on land. We support Ukraine, but of course, we also have our own demands, as it happens between neighbors.”

Author - Dmitriy Levchenko, 23/09/2024

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