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Russia has no right to rewrite the law of the sea

Sep 23, 2024

Agent of Ukraine, Ambassador-at-Large of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Anton Korynevych presented Kyiv's position at oral hearings at the Arbitration Tribunal in The Hague in the case of Ukraine's rights in the Black and Azov Seas and the Kerch Strait.

This was reported by the press service of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.


Korynevych noted that in this case, Ukraine proves numerous violations of the law of the sea by Russia and demonstrates that “Russia has no right to rewrite the law of the sea.”

He emphasized that Russia claims that all 37,600 square kilometers of the Sea of Azov are inland waters that are not subject to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS).

But Ukraine insists that the tribunal should not issue a ruling that would deviate from the text of UNCLOS and recognize the Sea of Azov as the internal waters of several states.

“Such a decision would jeopardize the rights of Ukraine, as well as those of the states whose ships have historically transported millions of tons of grain, steel and other goods to and from Mariupol and Berdiansk,” Korynevych said.

He also emphasized the illegality of the Kerch Bridge and said it should be dismantled.

“The passage through the Kerch Strait should be similar to what it was before this illegal obstacle to navigation,” Korynevych said.

He noted that Ukraine asks the tribunal to apply the Convention on the Law of the Sea as it is written.

“Exercise the compulsory jurisdiction that UNCLOS gives you. And for the small but important case of Russia's unlawful behavior that is being considered - its violation of the law of the sea - hold Russia accountable,” the Ukrainian agent said.

Author - Olena Madiak, 23/09/2024

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